The snails farm consists of 25 fences 80 meters long and 3 meters wide interspersed with service corridors. The enclosures are divided into two parts: 40% is used for the reproduction of snails while the remaining 60% for fattening them.
Irrigation takes place in the evening by means of aerial nebulizers managed electronically by a control unit that allows for better management and
greater water savings.
In June 2019, about 40 thousand selected breeders were added from the International Institute of Heliciculture based in Cherasco, to which the company is associated, duly certified, of the Helix Aspersa species that best suits the climate, the soil and the complete natural cycle. The reproducers entered belong to two different species of snails: Helix Aspersa Maxima and Helix Aspersa Typica.
Cascina Bruno is:
8 million snails
1 hectare of planting
1 type of snails reared
1 machine for the extraction of snail slime

Cherasco Method Snail
The Cherasco Method snail is far better than that harvested in the wild or raised in breach of the Institute’s specifications.
Our snail

Harvest period: from May to November
It has a weight between
18 and 24 grams, the characteristics biological
and the generous dimensions make it particularly suitable for cold climates.
In recipes they are traditionally cooked
without shell and served in dishes with pulp.
Purging carried out on site, lasting 5-7 days.
Snails are also precious in terms of cosmetics, thanks to their drool
rich in vitamins and other substances.
Is snail farming the future?
Q: Why breed them?
We must not think that this sector offers easy earnings, it is necessary to put skills and commitment into play as in all agricultural work.
From the point of view of an income-generating business, breeding snails is interesting because snails have above all three commercial uses:
meat, drool and eggs.
Q: What does the breeding consist of?
The traditional system for breeding snails involves keeping them in two distinct areas: the one dedicated to reproduction where our gastropods multiply and the breeding one where the snails grow and fatten. Alternatively, you can also decide to have a single breeding tank, in which the entire life cycle takes place.