The Cherasco Method snail is far better than that harvested in the wild or raised in breach of the Institute's specifications.
Guarantee of health and hygiene, as they are fed exclusively with selected vegetables, is also
maintained in the fences in controlled hygienic-environmental conditions.
As regards the feeding of snails, the company follows the Institute’s regulations which provide for the sowing of cabbage, chicory and chard as well as being added in defined periods of supplementary feeding such as sunflowers, alfalfa, carrots, courgettes and pumpkins.
The snails are fed in a completely natural way: this method guarantees excellent growth.

The Cherasco Method snail is collected and packaged according to a specific caliber

The meat is tender and fragrant
Its cooking is therefore more homogeneous and easier.

Low amount of fat
The meat of snails is characterized by a low amount of fat, especially polyunsaturated, and by one
good percentage of protein.

High digestibility
Due to its nutritional values and its nourishing properties.
The mark of origin for the Cherasco Method snails certifies the production of the heliciculturists who breed with a complete natural cycle system, with exclusively
vegetable feeding.
It is awarded only to productions controlled directly by the International Institute of Heliciculture of Cherasco and managed according to the controlled supply chain.